Leaving for a van der Laan Pilgrimage

With just over 12 hours to go before departure to the Netherlands for a diocesan conference on Liturgy and Sacred Space and a pilgrimage around the country, preparations are nearly complete. The trip will begin with a Sunday morning stop in London (with mass/services at All Saints, Margaret Street; St Paul, Bow Common; and the Metropolitan Cathedral, Westminster). St Paul, Bow Common still has the Lutyens Outraged Christ, and my last visit did not permit participating in worship there, so this will be a real treat in and of itself.

As for the Netherlands, and my first trip, I had to narrow down a potential list of 150 buildings. These were churches only, and ignored everything north of Utrecht. In the end, I decided to focus on the early modern through reconstruction churches and the work of Dom Hans van der Laan, his family, teacher, and students. Another highlight will be three days at van der Laan's Abbey, especially praying the Offices with the monks there.

There will also be a side trip from the Abbey to a trio of Rudolph Schwarz churches and the Zumthor Bruder Klaus chapel.

So here is the list of 19 primary churches in the itinerary. There are a number of other nearby churches I may peek into, and I may not make it to all of them. We'll see how the driving goes, and the weather, and the daylight.

Sint Bavokerk Cathedral of Saint Bavo, Haarlem Joseph Cuypers and Jan Stuyt (1895-1930)

Sint Jozef / St Joseph, Leiden Leo and Jan van der Laan (1924-1925)

Sint Jozef / St Joseph, Wassenaar Jos van der Laan (1962)

Parochie De Goede Herder / Good Shepherd, Wassenaar L? van der Laan (1923)

O.L.Vrouw van Goede Raad / Our Lady of Good Counsel, Den Haag Jan van der Laan (1954)

Pastoor-van-Ars-Kerk / Curée of Ars, Den Haag Aldo van Eyck (1970)

Our Lady of Perpetual Help / O.L.Vrouw van Altijddurende Bijstand, Breda Grandpré Molière (1951-1953)

Betlehemkerk / Bethlehem Church, Breda ??? (1980)

St Paulusabdij / St Paul Abbey, Oosterhout Dom Bellot, Hans van der Laan (1907-)

Johannes Geboorte / Nativity of St John the Baptist, Nieuwkuijk Nico van der Laan (1955)

St Martinus / St Martin, Gennep Nico van der Laan (1954)

Zoete Naam Jezus / Sweet Name of Jesus, Oeffelt Nico van der Laan (1954)

Sint Josephkapel / St Joseph Chapel, Helmond Dom Hans van der Laan (1948; rebuilt 1995)

H. Kruisvinding / Holy Cross, Odiliapeel Jan de Jong (1959)

Abdij Sint Benedictusberg / St Benedictusberg Abbey Dominikus Böhm, Dom Hans van der Laan

Fronleichnamskirche / Corpus Christi Church, Aachen Schwarz (1930)

St Bonifatius / St Boniface, Aachen Schwarz (1961)

Annakirche / St Anna, Düren Schwarz (1956)

Bruder Klaus Feldkepelle Zumthor (2005-2007)

Depending on wireless availability, I may post some updates in transit. And stay tuned for a plethora of photos and analysis in the weeks after the trip. Many of these are not well documented (or at least documentation not easily accessible), so I will be making available as much material as possible.